SPEA’s In-Circuit Testers are scalable In-Circuit Test platforms that deliver the shortest test time, superior diagnostic accuracy, and extended test coverage for the most comprehensive range of electronic products.
SPEA’s Bed of Nails Board Testers are designed to increase yield, shorten the testing time, and cut the cost-of-test. Thanks to their unique Multi-Tester and Multi-Core Architecture, the SPEA’s In-Circuit Testers provide up to ten times greater throughput than conventional ICT test systems.
Detect any defects at the highest throughput with SPEA ICT Tester
SPEA’s in-circuit tester ensure zero-failure escape and can reliably and consistently test a wide range of electronic boards for automotive, energy, medical, aerospace, lighting, and internet of things (IoT) applications.
Automatic and manual board handling, high throughput, consistent and repeatable results, full scalability, on-field upgradeability – these exclusive features allow SPEA’s ICT testers to meet the testing and throughput needs of electronics manufacturers, with reliable and flexible test equipment for long-lasting and intensive use over the years.
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