for community
SPEA’s community spirit is materialized by means of initiatives that include a series of local and international humanitarian projects. These initiatives are aimed at nurturing, protecting and developing the educational and social health of children of all ages, all the way from Volpiano, Italy, where the Corporate Headquarter is situated, to Eastern Europe, in Ukraine.
ARCA Solidale
Solidarity and hospitality for Ukrainians (Chernobyl) children in Piedmont, Italy
The main purpose of Arca Solidale is volunteering time to help the children in Ukrainian institutions and fight the child abandonment emergency. The activity mainly consists in:
- project for temporary housing with Italian families
- direct charity for instructions and group homes
SPEA has particularly chosen to support Arca Solidale through the restoration of a school in the village of Kuchynivka, in the Chernigov region, less than two hundred kilometers northeast from Kiev. The school hosts about one hundred children, from ages 6 to 17. For more information please visit www.arcasolidale.it