El seguimiento de la calidad en todos los aspectos de la producción, desde los estudios preliminares hasta la implementación y la entrega del producto, es uno de los puntos fuertes del sistema de calidad SPEA, que cumple con el certificado UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015

The Company guarantees the constant compliance with high quality standards, through a solid project management, the accurate selection and control of suppliers and production processes, the execution of tests and controls, in order to reach, with a defined and accessible quality, the highest customer satisfaction levels.

SPEA Quality Policy
1. Maximum customer satisfaction

Our commitment will be turned on ensuring maximum customer satisfaction, supplying products and services that, respecting specific and applicable requirements, satisfy their needs and exceed their expectation.


2. Continuous improvement of products and services

We will improve our products and services, if possible by anticipating legal requirements, in order to anticipate also our competitors. We will do that from design process, keeping into consideration our products life cycle per-spective; starting from raw materials that we will introduce, passing through constructive processes that will be employed and influencing their lifecycle at customer’s site till the product end-of-life.


3. Compliance with legal requirements

We will operate under our direct or indirect responsibility, in accordance with the compliance obligations SPEA took responsibility considering its citizenship duties (in Italy, European Union and worldwide) or the commitments took by our representations in institutional seats.


4. Process approach

Process-driven approach will be kept in order to develop and improve Quality Management System effective-ness, together with application of Risk-based thinking concept, that will allow to undertake actions needed to face up risks or develop opportunities.


5. Information and training

A constant activity of information and training will involve the whole staff, in order to improve competence and awareness of their own contribution to the quality of products and services, as well as effectiveness of Quality Management System.


6. Partnership

Concrete and lasting partnership with our Suppliers ensures reliable relationship marked by mutual objectives. In this context, we will work and cooperate with our suppliers in order to be always ready to answer and, if possible to anticipate, our customers’ requirements. This, in order to assure high-technology, safe and reliable products and services.


7. Cooperation with the territory

We will organize meetings and guided tours aimed primarily at students of the different school cycles in order to promote the awareness of the company and its activities to the public, aiming to a positive cooperation with the stakeholders.


8. Reliability and competitiveness

We will commit ourselves completely in order to supply our customers with reliable and quality products and ser-vices at competitive prices due to cost analysis and reduction.

Mejora continua


Desde la investigación hasta desarrollo del producto, desde fabricación hasta marketing, para terminar con la venta final. Cada actividad empresarial forma parte de la mejora continua de los productos SPEA y la eficiencia operativa.

Equipo de Garantía de la calidad


Nuestro equipo QA (Quality Assurance) se encuentra integrado en la compañía a todos los niveles. La supervisión de cada etapa del proceso y de los productos; el análisis de los indicadores; y la implementación de las pertinentes medidas correctoras, son las herramientas con las que cuenta el equipo SPEA-QA para anticiparse a las exigencias del cliente y tratar eficientemente con cada posible necesidad.

Gestión integral de calidad 


El Sistema de Calidad SPEA involucra a cada ´stakeholder´: alta dirección, trabajadores, cadena de suministro, y clientes finales. El análisis de los procesos a todos los niveles, lleva a SPEA a alcanzar los más altos estándares de calidad y los requisitos más actuales del mercado.

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