Turin (Italy)

August 03, 2023

Marcello Sanguigni, SPEA Quality Engineer, is the new Italian Downhill’s Champion!

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The Italian championship of the M1 category of downhill turns azure blue, thanks to Marcello Sanguigni, Quality Engineer, who has been with SPEA for 8 years.


On July 22 and 23, the Italian Downhill (a discipline derived from mountain biking) Championship took place in Prali (TO)

Downhill is a tough and challenging sport: the athletes run on steep and rugged mountain trails, descending at speeds that can reach up to 60 km/h.

Marcello describes his first experiences with downhill as the most natural thing.
He tasted the adrenaline around 14 years old, hurtling at full speed from Superga with his lifelong friends.
One hill after another, he tries to give an identity to his passion until he discovers downhill.

Then, at a certain point in Marcello’s life, SPEA arrives: he starts working after a post-diploma course in mechatronics, with an internship that will allow him to gain experience and acquire new skills.
And with SPEA, it was love at first testing.

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Today, he has been working here for 8 years: a journey from “electronic industry” testing to semiconductor testing to “ETP Quality” as a “Quality Engineer”.

This job requires a high level of concentration, a characteristic that also helped him in downhill.

When you’re at the starting gate and you have so much adrenaline and a high concentration, it’s easy to make a mistake. The race lasts 4-5 minutes where the focus is only on performance and you must pay attention to the smallest details to not lose ground against the competitors“.

But that’s not all: even though downhill is primarily an individual sport, the team’s contribution is essential.

Teamwork is crucial especially for exchanging advice, comparing with teammates and motivating each other to do better for the next race: a feature of the sport that is also part of my job at SPEA“.

Moreover, a portion of Marcello’s work is also reflected in his passion:

Before the races and trainings, I check all the mechanical parts of the bike by myself: bearings, gear adjustment, braking system, assembly and disassembly of wheels. Without these skills learned at SPEA, I wouldn’t be able to do all this by myself!

At SPEA, Marcello also found mountain biking and enduro enthusiasts like him who accompanied him in many trainings and races.

I met them in SPEA, and talking we found each other outside the company and discovered that we share this common passion. The bike brings together people who otherwise would not have met, sharing an experience in a healthy way and forming friendships.

For us at SPEA, it is a pride and satisfaction to see in Marcello the spirit and determination of the people who work at SPEA.

Congratulations Marcello!

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