Volpiano (Italy)

February 25, 2022

SPEA & Musei Reali Torino: technology meets art

SPEA Musei Reali Torino

We live and work in a district with a very high industrial vocation that leads the world with its inventions and technology. We are proud to be able to give part of our success back to our territory, by creating and sponsoring initiatives that involve young and very young people, so that they can get to know the world of hi-tech, discovering the opportunities arising from technology.

SPEA, world leader in testing of electronics, is a unique excellence in the field of technology and innovation.

Likewise, Musei Reali are unique in Italy and in Europe by richness of the heritage, extension, size and variety of their collections.

Without any institutional mediation, these two excellences meet for the first time on the occasion of the exhibition “Animali dalla A alla Z. Una mostra dedicate ai bambini”, thus far, a novelty among the cultural offers of the great museum in Italy. The choice of investing in an exhibition dedicated to children has been a gamble for Musei Reali in favour of new generations, and it represents at the same time a great opportunity for a big industry like SPEA for enriching the image of the youngest with suggestions inspired by arts and technology.


SPEA Musei Reali Torino


Enrica Pagella, Director of Musei Reali, declared: “We decided to invest in an initiative oriented mainly towards those people mostly hit by the pandemic, the children. The exhibition allowed to give value to barely known art works, having in common the representation of animals. The subject is also an appeal to responsibility, bringing in foreground the variegated complexity and the fragility of life on Earth.

The very first encounter between SPEA and Musei Reali, at the same time, refers to a centuries-old connection between technology and the context of the ancient Savoy court. The Savoy’s vocation for military as well as architectonic techniques has brought to our territory, for a long time, workforce and competences, that nowadays express themselves in different technological fields, in which SPEA is proudly leader worldwide.

The industrial mission of SPEA reveals mainly in producing huge economic and technological value, allowing the company to export this field of Made in Italy all over the World. On the oder side, Musei Reali have as main mission the cration of a deep social and cultural value, founding their job on accessibility, inclusion and heritage enhancement.

We are convinced that the virtuous combination of those values could generated a widespread and complete well-being for those who will get in touch with this synergy.

SPEA Musei Reali Torino


These are the words of Luciano Bonaria, SPEA President: “We must pay attention and care to the territory, because the territory produces the most important Italian richness: people. People make the “Made in Italy”, coveted and sought-after all over the World”. “People contribute to the success of industries: an adequate attention should be paid to children, because they’re the workers of tomorrow, maybe at SPEA, contributing to the success of our district”

“The most important world players in the field of electronics are our customers: this partnership is a unique opportunity for showing them the richness and the extraordinary beauty of our Region, starting from Musei Reali di Torino”.

Lean more: Sito Web Musei Reali Torino


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